Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Workout Wednesday: Bob & Jillian

Yeah. That's what I looked like after starting my new cardio program yesterday. (Attractive.)

Josh got me this DVD and some other awesome workout stuff, so I decided to try it out! I would definitely recommend this program to anyone looking to mix up their cardio workouts! It comes with three different levels to try. The first is 20 minutes and the other two are 10 minutes each. I did the first two (30 minutes total) and was totally wiped! Both were a full body cardio workout and included jumproping, lunges, weights, high-knees, and all kinds of other crazy stuff. Plus, it's kind of fun (at least for dorks like me) to pretend like the real Bob Harper & Jillian Michaels are training you. In my opinion, ANYTHING is better than running on the treadmill. So it was fun to try a new cardio program that gave me a great, calorie-crushing workout, yet didn't make me hate my life. And some of the past Biggest Loser contestants are  in the video, which, to me, is very motivational. If they can do it, so can I!

In other news, I tried quinoa today. Weird stuff. It doesn't taste like anything. I added some sauteed asparagus and mushrooms, plus a dash of soy sauce, and it wasn't half bad. Will I ever truly enjoy health food...? We'll see.

Have a wonderful Wednesday :)


  1. Glad you like the work out stuff! Great blog today!!

  2. Thanks for the comment...Joshasaurus.
