Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun in the Sun-day: Kayaking!

Today Josh and I went kayaking! It was so much fun. And a great active activity/date idea! Kayaking burns 145 calories in just 20 minutes (which is about how long I was out there)! It definitely gives you an arm workout. And it's so awesome to try new outdoor activities that don't involve risk/danger, or running :) 

 I also bought school supplies today! Weird, I know, because it's still the end of July and school doesn't start for over a month. But I love love love buying school supplies. Like a child. In fact, I wish I was a child so my list could include awesome stuff like markers, glue sticks, and play doh. But I was content with some jungle animal folders, notebooks, a new pencil case, colorful pens, mechanical pencils, and an adorable backpack (below)!!

And, as always, I had to purchase a planner. I love my planner. Writing stuff down and creating strict deadlines for myself is the only way I can keep my grades up. In a way, this applies to weight loss. I lose the most weight when I carefully schedule and structure my workouts, and religiously log every food I eat into the MyFitnessPal app. If you can plan it, you can achieve it :)

Speaking of achievements, look who's down 9 pounds today! This girl! (Well, technically 8.6 pounds.) That means I've lost exactly 3 pounds this week! Yeah! In one week! Did I mention this eating plan/workout schedule is THE BEES KNEES?! If you would like to drop a few and go back to school looking your best, I'd highly recommend it. (Here's the link if you wanna try it!) I'm so proud and happy and excited to see how much more I can lose before move-in! :)

Tomorrow starts WATER WEEK at camp! Woohoo! Let's pray for sunny weather and no water balloon related injuries :)


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