Monday, June 10, 2013

Today I'm playing catch-up! Enjoy the double post :)

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Sorry for missing a day yesterday, folks! It kind of went by in a blur. I woke up and the first thing I did was check the scale. As you'll notice by my ticker on the right sidebar, I'm now down 4 pounds! Yay!!! 1 more until my first benchmark and my shopping spree :) 

After that, I was very motivated to work out. So I did my last day of Level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Then I hung out at Josh's, and watched yet another Star Wars movie (The Empire Strikes Back, if anyone's interested. I liked it better than the first one.) I also had a nice yummy dinner with my family. My mom makes an excellent shrimp stir fry! Finally, we watched the Tony Awards and I went to bed early in anticipation for the first day of CAMP! Once again, I failed at spending the day outside. Whoops.

Today was....the first day of CAMP! It went so well! No rainstorms, boo-boos, or tantrums. It was fun to see some of the returners as well as meet the new kiddos! I had a really great day and I'm excited for the rest of the summer. 

Mindful Monday: I am feeling great about where I am with my fitness! Sooo close to the 5 pound mark. I can do it!

Workouts and Health Updates: After camp, I knew my energy levels were winding down, so I needed to work out ASAP so I wouldn't put it off and then never do it. So I immediately went downstairs and started Level 2 of the JM DVD. Ho, ly, cow. I know I've said other workouts are tough, and I've made comments like "I've never worked out that hard!" but this took the cake. (Ah, geez now I want cake) 

ANYWAY - It was hard. I did almost all of the moves full out and my heart rate was through the roof. After I finished, red and panting, I knew that I would have to immediately run upstairs and shower or I would lay on the basement floor until I fell asleep or possibly died. So I sprinted up the two flights of stairs, showered, and now I'm relaxing with my cat in bed. Aaaaaaaah. 

Can't wait to get up tomorrow and do it all again! :)


P.S. I changed my activity level on the MFP app to "active" because at camp I run around like a chicken with my head cut off for most of the day. This means I get to eat an extra 100 calories a day. Chyess. Excuse me while I eat this Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich...

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